Community party Elders, Community Leaders and Residents of Tarlo Town, Blayah Town, Nuhn Town and Qlakojelay represented by their Town Chiefs, Women Leaders and Youth Leaders |
Company signatory Equatorial Palm Oil Company/LIBINC |
Resource(s) Oil Palm or Palm Oils |
Project phase covered |
Industry Agriculture |
National government: signatory? No |
Local government: signatory? Yes |
Was the agreement required by law? No |
Term |
Date of contract signature 05/02/2016 |
Language English |
Location Grand Bassa County |
Source: URL |
OpenCorporates ID |
Listings in other databases |
Listing of the parent contract at or |
This agreement is a memorandum of understanding between the elders, community leaders and residents of Tarlo Town, Blayah Town, Nuhn Town and Qlakojelay (“the Community”) and the Equatorial Palm Oil Company (“LIBINC”). The community is represented by their Town Chiefs, women leaders and youth leaders as listed in Art. 3 of the agreement, and LIBINC is represented by its head of operations, Sashi Nambiar. The community has come to a joint resolution regarding the development of LIBINC. The community and LIBINC have jointly mapped the priority land areas where the community does not want the development of oil plantation. The mapping was consented with the community and witnessed by the District Commissioner (Recitals, Art. 3). Annex 1 to this agreement contains the coordinates of the priority land areas marked by the community (Annex 1). LIBINC will not develop the oil palm plantation on the priority land areas defined by the community. LIBINC will develop its plantation in areas ceded and consented by the communities as guided by its sustainability policy [sustainability policy missing] (Art. 1).
Equatorial Palm oil Company (“LIBINC”) is committed to fully applying the principles of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) to its oil palm plantation (Recitals). LIBINC will develop the concession area outside the phase 1 of the plantation, with adherence to the principles of FPIC. LIBINC is allowed to conduct FPIC processes within the concession land and will respect the decision of all communities (Art. 1). The community agrees that the areas marked as disputed area on the map presented in Annex 1will remain the plantation area without any cost to LIBINC and no further claims will be made on this area by any parties (Art. 2). If the community or LIBINC violates this agreement, the aggrieved party is free to pursue recourse with the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) or any other mechanism accessible, including the courts of competent jurisdiction (Art. 4).