Community party Nguti Municipality |
Company signatory SG Sustainable Oils Cameroon Ltd |
Resource(s) Oil Palm or Palm Oils |
Project phase covered |
Industry Agriculture |
National government: signatory? No |
Local government: signatory? Yes |
Was the agreement required by law? No |
Term Not Specified |
Date of contract signature 27/07/2010 |
Language English |
Location Nguti Subdivision |
Source: URL |
Reports |
OpenCorporates ID |
Listings in other databases |
Listing of the parent contract at or |
The community inhabitants of the Nguti Municipality accept the investments by SG Sustainable Oils Cameroon Ltd (SGSOC) and in return, SGSOC shall implement the policies, programs and benefits described in this memorandum of understanding (p.1, p.3). The parties undertake to prepare a formal agreement that reflects the commitments contained in this agreement. (p.3)
The local communities, SG Sustainable Oils Cameroon Ltd (SGSOC) and the administration will jointly demarcate the land to leave out a buffer zone between SGSOC's plantation and the farmlands, forest and protected areas (p.1).
SG Sustainable Oils Cameroon Ltd (SGSOC) will pay land rental fees to the local government treasury or as instructed by the government. (p.2). If existing farmland is impacted by the project, SGSOC will provide compensation for the loss of assets (p. 1).
SG Sustainable Oils Cameroon Ltd (SGSOC) will provide technical assistance training on best practices for increased oil palm yields, efficiency, environmental protection, and safety to local farmers (p.2). SGSOC will create long-term sustainable employment, and employ several thousand full time permanent employees once fully operational with priority to the indigenes of Nguti sub division (p.2).
SG Sustainable Oils Cameroon Ltd (SGSOC) will contribute to the improvement of local schools, and will provide university scholarships related to agro-industry and other areas for indigenes of Nguti sub division starting the first year of operations (p. 2). SGSOC will provide medical clinics to employees and make these clinics available to the local communities (p. 2). SGSOC will provide modern wells and potable pipe-borne drinking water to the communities (p. 2). SGSOC will produce electricity and where practicable will make the surplus available to the community at low cost (p. 2). SGSOC will invest in farm roads to link local regions with the main project (p. 2).
SG Sustainable Oils Cameroon Ltd (SGSOC) will leave out land for local outgrower schemes for the cultivation of oil palm, and SGSOC will purchase the resulting fruit bunches (p. 1). Revenues from the sale of oil products owned by SGSOC’s partner non-profit organization will provide funding to local charitable organizations to provide social goods and services to the communities (p. 3).
SG Sustainable Oils Cameroon Ltd (SGSOC) will conduct a social and environmental impact assessment (SEIA) in 21 villages affected by the project to identify potential social and environmental impacts of the project, and to identify potential benefits to the communities and opportunities for local development. The SEIA will engage the communities for input, and feedback (p. 1.) SGSOC will adhere to local and international guidelines to ensure all planting and production is done in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner (p. 2). SGSOC will avoid damaging or including any of the existing farmland within the concession area and consider alternative project design to minimize physical or economic displacement (p. 1). If existing farmland is impacted by the project, SGSOC will provide compensation for the loss of assets and SGSOC will offer equal or better livelihood in cases where resettlement occurs, in accordance with international standards and guidelines (p. 1).
A clause on p. 2 of the agreement has been redacted.